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Email Archiving

Email Archiving and the Challenges

E-mail is considered an information carrier that falls under the archiving provisions. Rightly so, in the past decades immense amounts of e-mails have been sent, and in many of these e-mails information about decision-making or the decision-making itself can be read.

Due to the volume of emails in organizations, it is no longer possible to manually sort them and link them to the correct processes and files, which would allow them to be included in the archive regime.

That is why the Captone methodology was devised. The entire mailbox of key figures is archived (so not assessed mail by mail). The owner of a mailbox determines which mails should be removed because they are private or non-business related, for example.

Another problem with email is preventing duplicates. How easy it is to send 1 email to many colleagues, or to structurally CC people. This quickly creates many copies of emails, which are then all archived.

Finally, the email chain: by continuously sending a reply to a previous email, the previous emails are copied into the new email, which causes a large overhead of copies of the previous emails.

A solution
with AI


The Capstone method is a relatively simple way to archive mailboxes.

Wouldn't it be much nicer to store emails with the case or file, in the process, to which it belongs?


This can be done with content analysis using AI, classification and subsequent migration to the archive.

Capstone methodiek

Novadoc has an excellent solution for this that is already being used by governments:

IBM Content Collector and IBM FileNet with IBM Records Manager form the basis of the application. For this, the Intelligent Content Collector analyzes the mail with AI and, based on that, assigns it to the right file or process. The IBM Content Collector ensures the migration to the FileNet Archive, which is set up with Records Management for the retention and destruction periods.

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